20 thousand steps daily: how a 30-day experiment transformed the life of an American woman

Over the past 30 days, the American Robin Laird decided to try daily walks, trying to take 20,000 steps every day and listening to her body. The initiator of the experiment was a stranger from the street whom she noticed every day on the way to school, and she decided to try a similar experience.

Note that even during the pandemic, Robin was walking about 15,000 steps a day to stay in shape. Now she decided to add another 5,000 steps to this and carefully study the effect of such activity on her body.

The results of the experiment were impressive. After 30 days, Robin noticed that her body became slimmer and fitter, she lost several pounds of fat and gained muscle. In addition, she experienced an improvement in the quality of her sleep and noted an improvement in her mood.

The researcher agrees with the statements of experts that physical activity stimulates the release of endogenous drugs, which makes a person happier. It is important to note that this positive effect is achieved when you feel walking as a pleasant process, and not as a duty or a method of losing weight.

Robin Laird offers advice for those wanting to start walking daily. She recommends just getting outside and enjoying walking without worrying about the number of steps at first. And only when it becomes habitual and pleasant, you can start tracking the number of steps. You can take walks by combining them with other things, for example, work or watching movies, so as not to waste time.

"I don't walk to reach a certain number of steps, to feel good and enjoy every day," Robin Laird shares his story.