

A state of emergency has been declared in Sierra Leone because of a drug made from human bones

In an address to the nation, the President of Sierra Leone, Julius Maada Bio, declared the "existential threat" that loomed over the country due to drug addiction. Especially dangerous, according to him,...

Everything you need to know about proteins

We tend to believe that increasing protein in the diet helps to build muscle mass and lose weight faster. Is it really so? At the beginning of the 20th century, a Canadian researcher...

Imposter syndrome is a fairly common phenomenon that is not considered a mental disorder

"I don't know why I haven't been fired yet. They will see that I am not suitable for this job. I am here completely by accident and I am deceiving everyone." Or...

Britons may be left without teeth, or the first dental riot in London

In Great Britain, the crisis in dentistry has reached a new level. Many Britons are forced to resort to rope and doors as doctors refuse to accept new patients...

In France, they are calling to limit the amount of Internet available to people

Najat Vallo-Belkasem, the former Minister of Education of France, and now the director of various non-profit organizations, calls to limit the amount of Internet available to people. In an interview with Le Figaro, she reflects on...

How atypical in our life becomes common and how to cope with it

In today's world, the concept of "normalization" takes on a new dimension, often with a positive connotation. Calls for acceptance of various phenomena, from the physical appearance after childbirth to open...

While some people are struggling with food shortages, others are throwing away tons of food

This phenomenon, which has become an integral part of our everyday life, indicates the serious problems of modern food production and consumption. And although the roots of this problem can be...

Your life depends on how you start a new day

"Every morning is the time to start life anew," Paulo Coelho quotes. Morning, as you know, determines the mood and productivity of the whole day. Those who relate to...

An innovative approach to the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease, a neurodegenerative disease that affects memory, thinking and behavior, is one of the most studied but also one of the most mysterious diseases of our...

How ultra-processed food harms our health

A review of studies involving nearly 10 million people found a direct link between eating too many ultra-processed foods — breads, cereals, snacks and frozen meals — that...

Relics of the past: why you should abandon treatment methods from the past of the USSR

In Ukraine, some outdated Soviet methods of treatment continue to be used, the effectiveness of which is not scientifically proven, and in some cases can even harm health....

Why drawing is the best way to take a break from gadgets and social networks and relieve fatigue

Painting, whether on the body or on stone, is one of the ancient forms of fine art. The oldest known drawings were found in 2021 in a cave...

A record low birth rate has been set in Canada over the past 100 years

Canada's fertility rate has hit an all-time low, according to Statistics Canada, at 1.33 children per woman. Although the age of mothers at first childbirth...

"Disease X": hypothetical danger and preparation of the world for a possible pandemic

The representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Ukraine, Jarno Habicht, spoke about "disease X" - a hypothetical disease that could become a potential challenge for future...

List of European countries where it is most favorable to obtain citizenship

Obtaining citizenship in most European countries is an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, usually requiring 5 to 10 years. However, there are countries where this...

Vaccines against COVID-19 saved 1.4 million lives in Europe - WHO study

New research from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that vaccines against COVID-19 have saved around 1.4 million lives in Europe. This study highlights…