The Vatican State is celebrating its 95th anniversary today

The Vatican is celebrating a public holiday today, which is connected with a historically important event. Exactly 95 years ago, on February 11, 1929, the Lateran Accords were signed between the Kingdom of Italy and the Holy See. These agreements defined the Vatican's status as a sovereign city-state and laid the foundations for the relationship between the Church and the Italian government.

After the end of the Papal State in 1870, when Italy became a united state, tensions and conflicts arose in the relationship between the Holy See and the new Italian authorities. During this period, the popes abandoned claims to the restoration of territorial power, but sought to ensure the independence of the Vatican.

The agreements signed in the Lateran Palace recognized the independence and sovereignty of the Holy See, confirmed the status of the Vatican as a city-state and regulated the relationship between the Church and the Italian government. The signing of these agreements was an important step in strengthening the Vatican's international status.

The Vatican, with its small territory of 44 hectares, is the smallest independent state in the world in terms of area and population. In addition to the city-state itself, the jurisdiction of the Vatican also includes some objects in Rome and outside the city, which have a special status.

It is worth noting that the Vatican is the residence of the Pope and acts as a subject of international relations through the Holy See. Since the formation of the city-state in 1929, the sovereignty of the Holy See has been recognized by many states, regardless of their religious affiliation.