Dubai chocolate became dangerous

Dubai chocolate, which has gained popularity due to its premium quality, was not as safe as it was thought. The German Consumer Organization of the Stiftung Warenest conducted a study, which has been checked by six chocolate tiles sold in Europe. The test results revealed the presence of harmful carcinogenic substances in two of them.

Chocolates, which ranged from 7 to 25 euros per 100 grams, showed serious drawbacks both in the composition and in the information provided by manufacturers. Four out of six tiles had incomplete or false lists of ingredients, and did not contain important information for allergies, which is a violation of product safety standards.

Pollution, including 3-monochlorpropandondiol and glycidilic ether, are especially anxious, which often appear in refined palm oil and are considered potentially carcinogenic. Moreover, LE DAMAS brand chocolate was "significantly contaminated" by Aflatoxins that occur in pistachios and have a carcinogenic effect.

Despite the problems identified, experts say that the use of this chocolate does not have a direct threat to health, but the presence of such harmful substances contradicts the stated high quality of the product.