Hetmantsev demands money from Internet providers

The Chairman of the VRU Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy, Danylo Hetmantsev, published a blog on the website of the Glavkom news agency, in which he appealed to Internet service providers operating on the "gray" market to switch to legal activity.

In his blog, Hetmantsev notes that in recent years, many businesses in various fields have abandoned "grey" tax payment schemes, but certain industries, in particular the supply of fixed communication and the Internet, continue to ignore the new rules. This leads to losses for the state, as taxes and other payments are not received, as well as to the deterioration of the quality of services and the absence of social guarantees for employees.

According to Hetmantsev, total revenues from the provision of fixed communication and Internet services in 2023 reached 21.2 billion hryvnias, which is 33.3% more than in 2022. However, due to the use of "gray" schemes, the state budget does not receive significant amounts of taxes. For example, the average income per user in these companies is UAH 219, but thanks to the simplified taxation system, providers pay only UAH 10.95, while under the general taxation system, the amount of taxes could be UAH 75.34.

Hetmantsev explains that companies often create multiple legal entities on a simplified tax system or engage individual entrepreneurs to provide services in limited territories, such as individual districts or houses. This allows them to get more profit, while the state budget loses more than 3 billion hryvnias annually.

In his address, Hetmantsev called on fixed line and Internet providers to abandon "gray" schemes and switch to legal activities. He warned that in case of refusal, the state has enough tools at its disposal to fight unscrupulous businessmen, and will consistently close all possible loopholes for tax evasion.