Finding a job after graduation can be a real challenge for many students. According to a study among students of British universities, a large part of young people do not know where to start this important stage. To help graduates, the company Essity, a leading manufacturer of toilet paper, decided to join in solving this problem - the idea turned out to be non-standard and very original. According to The Sun, the company decided to convey vacancies to students using toilet paper. Rolls of toilet paper with QR codes printed on them have appeared in the restrooms of the University of Nottingham, one of the most famous universities in Great Britain. These codes lead to a special job offer page where potential candidates can leave their CV.
The idea certainly surprised the students, but it can also be an effective way to attract attention to vacancies, because it is definitely an unusual method to attract young professionals. It turns out that students increasingly face difficulties in finding their first job after graduation, and it is for them that this approach can be useful. This is not just an advertising gimmick - according to the results of a study conducted by recruitment specialists Essity, 31% of surveyed students consider the prospect of finding a job an "insurmountable" problem. Another 21% do not know where to start this process, and almost a quarter admit that they are afraid of graduating from university precisely because of the need to look for a job.
Young people are not always ready for the transition from student life to professional activity. Therefore, the company decided to pay attention to this problem and offer its non-standard approach. After all, according to the survey, many students do not know how to start their search, where to search and in what ways they can increase their chances of success.
Essity specializes in the production of household products, in particular toilet paper, and decided to use this product to spread information about vacancies. The QR code on the rolls not only attracts attention, but also gives students the opportunity to go directly to the job site and fill out the application form. Such a creative approach can become not only convenient, but also a memorable way for the company to attract young specialists who lack experience or confidence in their abilities. "We believe that this unusual way will help draw attention to our vacancies and attract talent from different universities," Essity representatives say.
This example shows how creativity in recruiting approaches can make the job search process less stressful and more accessible for students. When young people face problems in finding their first job, it is important not only to give them the necessary tools, but also to make the process interesting and convenient.
Thus, the idea of using toilet paper with QR codes can be a clear example of how innovative solutions can change the way candidates are attracted and provide additional opportunities for job hunting.