Simple ways to reduce food waste in your kitchen

Experts estimate that about a third of the food in the United States goes to waste, and much of it ends up in landfills, causing greenhouse gas emissions. These are massive billions of pounds annually that could be effectively used to feed those in need, but unfortunately become a source of negative environmental impact.

There are challenges throughout the food supply chain that can leave people feeling powerless, but we can all do our part to reduce food waste by cooking at home. Here are five simple ways that can help with this task:

  1. Take inventory and make a meal plan: Before visiting the store, determine what you already have and make a meal plan for the next few days. This will help to avoid excess products and their spoilage.
  2. Store products properly: Proper storage of products after purchase can extend their shelf life. Also, place products where they are easy to see, reminding you to use them on time.
  3. Do not peel all fruits and vegetables: The skin of fruits and vegetables contains many useful substances. It is not always necessary to clean them; rinse well enough under cold water.
  4. Be flexible with ingredient substitutions: You don't always have to follow recipes exactly. Smart ingredient substitutions can help avoid emissions and reduce the amount of unconsumed product.
  5. Think twice before throwing away: Ingredients that look sad or show little signs of spoilage can be recycled into other dishes, thus saving them from unnecessary disposal.

Small steps in every kitchen can lead to a significant reduction in food waste and promote more environmentally sustainable consumption.