Republicans are preparing a plan of action after Trump's victory

Republicans in Congress are already developing a program for Donald Trump in case he wins the presidential election. This plan of action, calculated for the first 100 days of the presidency, is prompted by the expectation that Republicans will be able to control the White House and Congress after the election, according to The Hill.

Sources indicate that Republican leaders in the Senate and House of Representatives are forming a program that involves a quick transition to agreeing a budget, in which a key promise will be tax cuts of trillions of dollars.

The GOP is also considering funding a major new border security initiative that would include completing Trump's wall. At the same time, it is possible to stop funding those parts of the government that, according to Trump's allies, have become "weaponized" during the Biden presidency.

A top priority for Republicans will be extending Trump's signature tax cut law until it expires at the end of 2025. How far those plans go beyond that will be the subject of intense debate among Republican lawmakers in the coming months if Trump defeats Vice President Harris and Republicans regain control of the Senate and retain a majority in the House.

Aides to key Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Republican Leader Steve Scalise and Speaker Mike Johnson, recently held a meeting to discuss strategy.

Speaker Johnson, who intends to run for re-election, has been in regular contact with Trump in the run-up to the election. Scalise, another Trump ally, also spoke with the presidential candidate about his 2025 priorities.

Johnson told Senate Republicans in June that he wanted to implement the most ambitious package possible during Trump's first year in office. The speaker suggested that Republican senators include tax cuts, spending and regulatory reforms in legislation that Republicans will introduce as part of the Senate budget reconciliation process to bypass Democrats.