The United States of America accused Russia of using chemical weapons in the conflict with Ukraine, which led to the introduction of new sanctions against the aggressor. The US State Department made an official statement about Russia's use of chlorpicrin on the territory of Ukraine, violating several international laws.
According to the General Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, adopted in 1993 in Paris, the use of chemical weapons is prohibited. In addition, chloropicrin, as a chemical substance, is banned by the Hague Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
Chlorpicrin, first used by German troops during the First World War, is known for its dangers to the skin and mucous membranes. Its use in high concentrations can lead to uncontrolled convulsions of the diaphragm muscles.
In response to the use of chloropicrin on the battlefield, the United States imposed sanctions against certain military units of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, research institutes and companies associated with Russian chemical and biological weapons programs.
It is important to note that Russia joined the OPCW in 1997, and announced the destruction of all its chemical munitions on its territory in 2017. The first recorded use of chemical weapons in history was near the Belgian city of Ypres on April 22, 1915, when the war gas known as Ypres was used.
The armed forces of Ukraine reported the use of chemical weapons by Russia in January of this year, but confirmation of these facts was announced only now by the US State Department.