The co-founder and executive chairman of Netflix, Reed Hastings, donated two million shares of his company, which has a worldwide popular streaming platform. The value of this generous gift to an unknown organization exceeds $1.1 billion.
According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Hastings' total wealth is estimated at $6.6 billion, and a significant portion of that is in Netflix shares.
"We cannot say for sure who will receive this gift - it could be a charity or several charities. There is a possibility that the shares will be moved elsewhere, for example, to a trust that is not controlled or where Hastings is not a beneficiary," said Ben Silverman, vice president of financial research firm VerityData.
Hastings currently holds just under three million shares of Netflix, valued at around $1.7 billion.
Although Hastings continues to serve as Netflix's executive chairman, the company is under no obligation to disclose the reason for the gift or the identity of the recipient.
Netflix, the streaming platform, reported that its subscriptions grew by more than 13.1 million during the last quarter of last year.