# medicine

Lyashko announced the start of construction work in Okhmatdita in May

The Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko on the air of Teletrumor shared important information about the restoration of construction work at the Ohmatdit Children's Hospital, which was damaged under ...

Gen's therapy returns vision

Recently, scientists and doctors have achieved a striking result, overcoming one of the worst problems in medicine - congenital blindness in children. Thanks to innovative genetic therapy conducted ...

Ukraine received 30 mobile X-ray systems from South Korea

Ukrainian medicine has received valuable assistance from South Korea-30 mobile X-ray systems that will contribute to the effective diagnosis and treatment of patients. This was reported by the Ministry of Security ...

A new water dressing can accelerate the healing of chronic wounds

Chronic wounds are a serious medical problem that bothers about 2% of the US population and people around the world. They are difficult to treat, and on ...

Japanese scientists have developed a new method for early detection of kidney diseases

Kidney diseases can be a serious threat to health, but one of the main problems is that these diseases are often unnoticed in the early stages ....

The future of medicine for premature babies

Premature babies are one of the most vulnerable members of society, because their bodies are often not ready for life outside the mother's womb. For such children even...

How climate change provokes disease outbreaks and what to do about it

Climate change has become a major cause of new and previously unknown animal diseases around the world, and Europe is no exception. Scientists warn...

Antimicrobial resistance: can medicine survive the superbug epidemic?

According to the warning of the former chief physician of Great Britain, Dame Sally Davis, the world is facing a serious danger - the spread of bacteria resistant to antibiotics. According to her,...

In Peru, a child was born with the help of stem cells

A baby has been born in Peru, conceived with the help of the latest technology that promises to revolutionize the world of reproductive medicine. The child was conceived thanks to the innovative method of Fertilo, developed by the company...

Chronic fatigue or something more?

In today's world, where constant movement and productivity have become the norm, the problem of chronic fatigue may seem commonplace. However, a serious illness can hide behind it -...

Reviving people after death: new perspectives in medicine

News about the possibility of revitalizing people after death can change our understanding of life and death. Doctor and researcher Sam Parnyia from the Medical Center of New York University ...

For the first time, scientists revealed all the secrets of cancer and announced a breakthrough in medicine

Scientists from different countries have been able to fully disclose genetic information for 38 types of cancer cells, which opens new prospects for successful treatment of patients. Scientists have successfully compiled ...