The Lviv region became home to the largest population of bison in Ukraine, with 114 heads, based on the grounds of the Brodiv Forest Fund. The notification was received from the state enterprise "Forests of Ukraine".
Wild bison were brought to the Lviv Region back in the 80s from Lithuania in the amount of 12 individuals. According to the latest estimates by foresters, there are currently 114 of them.
"Conditions of bison settlement in the forest fund of the branch are close to their natural range in terms of fodder base and protective properties of hunting grounds. During the entire winter period, forestry workers provide additional feeding of animals, although bison also obtain food on their own under proper protection. The size of the main herd depends on the conditions and needs of the animals. This is also influenced by the high-quality care of specialists, security, provision of drinking water, animal feeding, implementation of all biotechnical measures. There are also natural factors: aging of bison, natural mortality," the company said.
Preservation and restoration of the bison population has become a priority goal in Ukraine. In 2007, an action plan for the preservation and restoration of bison in the country's fauna was approved, which provided for the importation of 12 individuals of Caucasian bison. Today, there are about half a thousand bison in Ukraine.