In the EU, the fifth country will increase the minimum wage to more than 2 thousand euros

Belgium plans to raise its minimum wage to 2,029.88 euros a month by 2026, becoming the fifth country in the European Union where the minimum wage exceeds 2,000 euros a month, according to Eurostat.

The increase in the minimum monthly wage is currently €35.70, increasing also by the same amount until 2026, when it will be €2,065.58 gross.

After Luxembourg, where the minimum wage is €2,570.93 per month, Ireland (€2,146.30), the Netherlands (€2,070.12) and Germany (€2,054.00), Belgium will be in fifth place in the ranking of countries with the highest minimum wages in Europe.

France, which has a minimum wage of 1,766.92 euros gross, is next in this ranking.

In Belgium, the French-speaking Socialist Party (PS/S&D) proposes raising the minimum wage to €2,800 per month, as outlined in its election manifesto.

Recent reports also highlight that more than 40% of the poorest French are skipping meals due to inflation, and in 2022 the French government has announced the introduction of food stamps to help the population in times of inflation.