First blossoming unique plant with aroma of death

For the first time in the history of the UK in the famous royal botanical gardens, an extremely rare plant has blossomed Cye - Pseudohydrosme Gabunensis. This unique flower is known not only for its rareness, but also with a sharp smell that scientists describe as "a mixture of cabbage, cheese and fungus" or even "the smell of a corpse".

The homeland of this plant is Gabon, but Cya gardens managed to obtain its model and even successfully pollinate in 2022. This has become a breakthrough in botanical studies, as the plant blooms extremely rarely - about once every seven years. Like its famous relative Titan ARUM, this plant uses its specific smell to attract pollinators, including flies and beetles, which usually live on rotting organic matter. Despite the incredible trouble for the human sense of smell, this mechanism helps the plant survive in the natural environment.

Flowering will only last about 48 hours, after which the plant will gradually lose its unpleasant aroma. Researchers hope that this scientific success will help save Pseudohydrosme Gabunensis from extinction and keep the unique flora of the planet.