Egg production in Ukraine has reached new milestones

Russia's attempted full-scale invasion failed to seriously harm the Ukrainian poultry industry. On the contrary, this field has successfully recovered and is confidently moving forward. Exports of Ukrainian chicken meat products and eggs also continue to grow, according to data from SEEDS. This information was provided by Serhii Karpenko, executive director of the Association "Union of Poultry Breeders of Ukraine" during the Ukrainian Livestock Summit.

"Currently, the number of poultry has decreased by only 10% compared to 2021. This indicates the recovery of this industry. The production of broilers has been fully restored, even with a decrease in the population and the number of consumers. The key factor here is our exports. With stable export volumes, we have the opportunity to increase production, expand and introduce modern methods. So far, we have exported 322,000 tons, which is 5% more than in 2021. Export continues to grow, and with normal logistics, we can export at least another 10,000 tons every month," says Serhiy Karpenko.

In his opinion, stable exports will be a guarantee of price stability and profitability in the domestic market.

"Therefore, we will make money both on the domestic and on the foreign market. This applies to poultry meat. Currently, 40% of our products are exported, but we should continue to increase this volume in view of the recovery and growth of all manufacturers. We are now seeing a situation where egg production has returned to 2021 levels. If at the beginning of the year there was a decline in monthly indicators, starting from July egg production exceeded the data of the previous year. In terms of egg production, I believe that 2023 will be the first year in my long career in the association that profitability will be the highest. For the first time in the summer period, the prices for the sale of eggs did not fall below the cost price", - adds the executive director of the Association "Poultrymen's Union of Ukraine".

In his opinion, the production cut last year had a positive effect on prices this year.

"I believe that the key factor that will continue to affect the profitability of this business is export and processing. Today, we see that production has doubled since 2003, and exports have also grown significantly. Today, 80% of our products are sent to the countries of the European Union," emphasizes Serhiy Karpenko.

Regarding the export of eggs, according to him, approximately 60-70% of Ukrainian products are sent to the countries of the European Union.