How our internal alarm clock works

Many people are familiar with the feeling when you wake up minutes before the alarm goes off. This may seem like an accident or even an unfortunate detail, especially if you wanted to get some extra sleep. But in fact, this phenomenon has a scientific explanation related to the work of our biological clock.

The internal biological clock regulates the cycle of sleep and wakefulness, controlling many processes in our body. The main role here is played by the protein PER, the level of which changes during the day. It peaks in the evening, helping to stay active, and decreases at night, preparing the body for sleep.

If a person is used to going to bed and waking up at the same time, the body begins to anticipate waking up. An hour before the usual moment of rising, the body activates processes that facilitate awakening: the level of PER protein increases; body temperature increases; blood pressure rises; cortisol is released, a hormone that prepares the body for activity. This is a natural strategy aimed at bringing you out of deep sleep, making the transition to wakefulness as smooth as possible. The alarm clock acts as an external stimulus, abruptly interrupting the natural sleep cycle. If it rings at a time when the body is not yet ready to wake up, it can cause stress and feelings of brokenness. The body tries to avoid this by working "in advance" - that's why you wake up a few minutes before the signal.

Waking up to a bell in the morning is a positive sign that indicates a well-adjusted biological clock. It shows that your body has adapted to the sleep schedule and optimized the processes of recovery and awakening. It is worth noting that a stable sleep regime contributes to both physical and mental health. Even on weekends, when you want to sleep longer, the body continues to work according to its usual schedule, ignoring the desire to stay in bed.

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on weekends. Avoid harsh alarm sounds - choose melodies that gradually increase in volume. Use light alarms that simulate the dawn to wake up more naturally. Create a comfortable bedtime routine to help you fall asleep and maintain quality sleep.