New research published in The Conversation shows that just 8 minutes of watching certain content on TikTok can have a negative impact on young women's body image. The platform, which allows users to create and consume short videos, is becoming a powerful means of spreading both positive and harmful content. Videos that promote eating disorders and unhealthy beauty standards attract particular attention.
273 girls aged 18 to 28 who actively use TikTok participated in the study. The participants were divided into two groups: experimental and control. Girls from the first group were shown a 7-8 minute selection of content with the topics "pro-anorexia" and "fitness inspiration", where unhealthy diets and extreme weight loss methods were promoted. The content included advice on limiting food and exercise, such as juice cleanses for rapid weight loss.
Another group watched videos with neutral content such as nature, cooking and animal videos.
The results of the experiment revealed an alarming trend: even a short exposure to "special" content leads to a significant decrease in body satisfaction compared to the control group. While both groups experienced some decline in body satisfaction after watching TikTok, those exposed to harmful content experienced a more severe decline in self-esteem.
Researchers also emphasize that prolonged viewing of TikTok (more than two hours a day) may be associated with the development of eating disorders. This shows how vulnerable young women can be to content promoting harmful ideals of beauty and behaviour, which can have lasting effects on their mental health.