An official of one of the public organizations is accused of fraud in the amount of almost 4 million hryvnias. A man who collected money abroad, allegedly to help Ukrainian equestrian sports, actually used these funds for personal enrichment. This was reported by the press service of the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office.
According to the investigation, in 2022, an official of the All-Ukrainian Equestrian Federation, having moved to Belgium, created and headed a charitable organization with the same name there, under the pretext of collecting charitable aid to support equestrian sports in Ukraine.
Using the official letterhead of the Ukrainian public organization, where he was the general secretary, and having the right to sign official letters on its behalf, the man sent letters to European companies with appeals to provide charitable assistance. However, he collects money not on the accounts of the Ukrainian organization, but on the accounts of his foundation.
It was established that foreign organizations transferred more than 790,000 euros to the suspect's account. However, a significant part of these funds never reached Ukraine and was not spent on supporting equestrian sports.
The investigation documented that the man transferred almost 4 million hryvnias to his accounts, spending them on his own needs. He was informed about the suspicion of fraud in particularly large amounts.