Björk and Rosalia presented a music video created with the help of artificial intelligence

The song of the Icelandic singer Björk, "Oral", recorded in collaboration with the Spanish artist Rosalia, has become the object of a new clip in which artificial intelligence is used. The visual images of both performers in the video are created with the help of AI technologies, while the clothes of the heroines are completely real, presented by the French brand Maison Margiela.

In the video, avatars Björk and Rosalia train in a snow-white hall, performing complex acrobatic martial arts tricks, and later take up Japanese katanas and face off against enemies together. The clip script was written and produced by Björk herself.

The release of the song "Oral" has a charitable nature, as it is intended to support the AEGIS organization. Proceeds will be donated to this organization, which helps the people of Seidisfjordur in the fight against salmon farms in Iceland, which threaten the fjords and local wildlife.