Economist Anders Aslund: Ukraine needs to rely on the private sector to rebuild the country

In his latest column, Anders Aslund, an economist and senior researcher at the Atlantic Council, expressed the opinion that Ukraine needs to actively involve the private sector in order to restore the country. According to him, taxpayer funds are not enough to finance a significant part of Ukraine's recovery.

The economist pointed out that numerous investment conferences on the restoration of Ukraine have already been held, at which the need to support the private sector was discussed. Participants of such measures see that taxpayers will not be able to finance the huge sums needed to rebuild the country.

The expert noted that many Ukrainian businessmen, despite the difficulties in the war, remain active and invest in their own country. Some large Ukrainian businessmen also provide assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Aslund called on Western governments and international financial organizations to consider the possibility of financing large Ukrainian enterprises. He emphasized the importance of supporting not only small and medium-sized enterprises, but also heavy industry, which, despite its sustainability, needs financing to survive.