The Public Anti-Corruption Council demands an investigation into the non-supply of weapons to the Armed Forces

The civilian anti-corruption council under the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine demands that the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) conduct an investigation into the activities of two companies that violated contracts for the supply of weapons for the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, and addressed this request to NABU director Semyon Krivonos. "Ukrainian Pravda" writes about this.

One of these companies is Alfa Sp z o. o., which has signs of corruption risks and dishonesty. It does not specialize in arms supply and does not have tax reporting. In addition, it is involved in a criminal investigation for the supply of low-quality ammunition and owes more than 95.6 million euros to the Ministry of Defense.

The second company is Lviv Arsenal LLC, which also violated its contracts with the Ministry of Defense by not supplying a single projectile and a special vehicle for the army. The case for these contracts is being considered in court for lawsuits for a total amount of more than 1.5 billion hryvnias.

Similar problems also arise with the state companies of Ukraine, which concluded contracts for the supply of weapons and military equipment from the Ministry of Defense. The Public Council asks the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine to investigate these facts and provide them with an appropriate legal assessment as part of a pre-trial investigation.

It should be noted that a criminal complaint against these companies was submitted to NABU, so the Bureau will be obliged to start an appropriate investigation in accordance with the law. The situation underlines the importance of combating corruption in the sphere of defense and arms supply to ensure the national security of Ukraine.