The day should be devoted to intellectual work, as mental abilities increase many times over at this time.
The stars advise you to set yourself any - even very difficult - tasks, because they can be solved easily, one might say, by playing. The ideas that come to mind on this day, no matter what field of activity they relate to, can be considered genius, so their implementation - now or later - will exceed even the wildest expectations, giving a person fame and money.
There will be favorable circumstances for reconciliation with the person whom you offended without wanting it yourself: today you will be able to find those - the only - words that will touch her to the core of her soul.
The heightened emotionality characteristic of you today will push you to conflicts, the way out of which will be not only difficult, but also long-lasting, so it is better to control yourself.
A bad mood that can "cover" you from the very morning is completely natural: the year is coming to an end, during which you worked a lot and rested little, but on the eve of the holiday it is still worth breaking it.
The day, despite its weekday status, is favorable for your favorite business - putting the house in order; the current one differs from the usual cleaning in that the interior must also be decorated in a New Year's style.
A new person, who may be in your circle today, was sent by fate with a certain purpose - he must play an important role in your life, so treat him carefully.
A day when you should not make sudden moves, especially in matters of personal life - under the influence of the emotional load you will feel today, there is a great risk of making a regrettable mistake.
You should not try to do two important things at the same time - you will not succeed in any of them, so choose one, a priority, and deal only with it - as they say, hit one point.
The circumstances of this day will allow you to close the old and open a new life page - try not to lose a lucky chance, because its repetition will have to wait a long time.
Communication with loved ones - if, of course, there will be such an opportunity - it is better to reduce it to a minimum: a quarrel that can break out at this time, on the eve of the most magical holiday, is definitely of no use to you.
You should not pay attention to the unfriendly attacks of people who do not like you: by ignoring them, you will save nerve cells, which is of great importance on the eve of the holiday.
Personal issues that need to be resolved today will require the intervention of intuition: thanks to it, you will be able to feel exactly how to act in order to settle the situation.
The more kind words and compliments you say to people in your environment today, the more favorable the moral climate around you will be, and this is very important - both for success at work and for a happy personal life.