Macron calls for Europe to become independent in defense

French President Emmanuel Macron expressed a significant and important position regarding the independence of Europe in the field of defense. In his statement, he noted that Europe should not be a "vassal of the USA", but should develop its own strategies and defense capabilities.

"Our Europe today is mortal and may die. She can die, and it depends only on our choice. We need to build this strategic concept of reliable European defense for ourselves. How can we build our sovereignty, our autonomy, if we do not take responsibility for the development of our own European defense industry? Europe must show that it has never been a vassal of the United States and that it also knows how to talk to all other regions of the world," France 24 reported Macron as saying.

According to the French president, Europe is not armed enough to face global threats such as Russia's war in Ukraine.

We will remind you that Macron was the first to announce the possibility of sending European troops to Ukraine.