The Ministry of Education and Science again raises the issue of cancellation of correspondence education

The Ministry of Education and Science repeatedly raises the issue of canceling the admission of students for correspondence and evening forms of study, despite the decision of the members of the relevant parliamentary committee to remove this norm from the government draft law on the development of individual educational trajectories and improvement of the educational process in higher education. This was announced by the Minister of Education and Science, Oksen Lisovyi.

Lisovyi noted that the Ministry will try to continue to offer cancellation of correspondence education. "We proposed this solution to the legislator, but it was excluded. We will continue to propose it, and whether it will be supported by the legislator is a matter for him," he noted.

The minister added that the final decision on canceling the admission of students by correspondence will depend on the decision of the parliament. "I cannot say whether the admission of students for correspondence and evening forms of study will be canceled from 2024. It depends on how the Verkhovna Rada reacts to this initiative in the end. For our part, we will initiate this issue again," Lisovyi added.

For the second time, the Parliamentary Committee on Education, Science and Innovation did not support a legislative initiative to end admissions to correspondence and evening courses at universities from 2024. This time, the relevant provision was excluded from the government draft law, the purpose of which is the development of individual educational trajectories and improvement of the educational process in higher education.