Signs of false friendship: conclusions of a psychologist

Have you ever thought about how much true friendship exists in your relationships with other people? It is sometimes difficult to distinguish sincere feelings from pretending. Psychologist Amy Daramus shares useful tips on how to recognize fake friends.

  1. They take, but they don't give . True friendship is a mutual exchange of support and sharing of joys and failures. Fake friends only reach out when they need something and show no interest in your needs.
  2. Absent in difficult times Unavailability and indifference in important moments are key signs of a false friend. True friendship is manifested in the fact that a friend remains close even in the most difficult times.
  3. They promise, but they don't deliver. Trust and reliability are the basis of true friendship. If friends regularly break their promises, this may signal their insincerity.
  4. Spread negativity False friends often bring a negative atmosphere and look for flaws in any situation. True friends are supportive and create a positive environment.
  5. Gossip Constant gossip can be a sign that your friend may also be talking about you. This shows a lack of respect for personal life.
  6. Compete, not support Competition in friendship can do more harm than good. True friends inspire and support, while fake friends compete.
  7. Boundaries are not respected Respect for personal boundaries plays an important role in a healthy friendship. If your boundaries are ignored, this may indicate insincerity.
  8. Put you down Fake friends often try to put you down and make you feel negative, using jealousy or competition.
  9. Not happy about your success Lack of joy for your achievements is a clear sign of false friendship. True friends feel joy, not envy, at your success.