The lawyer who represents the interests of Granovsky advocates "Lozovoy's amendments", according to which Granovsky's case should be closed. In general, this is the work of a lawyer, for which his client pays him.
According to our information, it was in 2018 that the "corrections" of Lozovoy were developed by Granovsky and Vovko from the OASK. By the way, Granovsky called judge Vovka one of the "strongest representatives of the courts" and someone who "is very worried about the fate of the judicial system."
So, Granovsky's defense attorney refers to the speech of a distinguished judge of the Supreme Court (S. Fomin). The latter took advantage of Lozovoy's "edits" and helped to close the first episode of "Rotterdam+" in the amount of 19 billion.
As they say, one's own, one's own.
The same Supreme Court judge Fomin previously canceled the prison sentence of judge Ponomarenko, who was sentenced to 2 years in prison by the VAKS for bribery.
Now, thanks to judge Fomin, judge Ponomarenko receives a lifetime allowance from the budget in the amount of 100,000 hryvnias per month. This is in addition to one-time payments in the amount of 869,000 hryvnias.
Likewise, judge Fomin overturned the verdict of judge Tulyk, who was sentenced to 5 years in prison with confiscation of property by VAKS.
Both of these decisions are highly questionable, and we have argued them before (see comments).
I remind you that thanks to Lozovoy's "corrections", the case of the "king of smuggling" Alperin has already been closed, and more than 30 top corruption cases may be closed in the near future.