The Prime Minister of German Saxony called on Ukraine to come to terms with the temporary concessions of territories in order to achieve a truce

The Prime Minister of the German state of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, expressed the opinion that Ukraine should consider the possibility of temporarily losing control over certain territories as a step towards achieving a ceasefire in the region. This statement was made in an interview with the German publication Spiegel.

Kretschmer expressed his belief that the German government should take a more active role in resolving the conflict in Ukraine, not limiting itself to the supply of weapons. He called for the use of diplomatic initiatives and cooperation with allies to influence Russian President Vladimir Putin and achieve a ceasefire.

"Perhaps, in order to achieve a truce, Ukraine will first have to accept a temporary loss of control over some territories. Not a single square meter of Ukrainian territory has become Russian, but, as in other major wars, the time has come for a final decision," Kretchmer noted.

Priority tasks, in his opinion, should include attempts to influence Russia and restore peace in the region. However, he also expressed an opinion about the need for a "turnaround" in Germany's policy towards Russia, stressing that "Russia is our neighbor, dangerous and unpredictable."

"The idea of ​​weakening Russia in the military, political and economic dimensions so that it is no longer a threat to us is a vision from the 19th century, and it lays the foundation for new conflicts," said the Prime Minister of Saxony.