We often feel uncomfortable when our emotions overwhelm us to the point that we cannot hold back tears in front of others. Sometimes, even in solitude, we feel ashamed for allowing ourselves to show weakness and cry. However, it is worth considering 6 reasons why it is completely natural.
- It's OK to Show Emotions: We often hold back our emotions from others because we're afraid of causing resentment or misunderstanding. Shared standards often support the idea that it is better to keep your feelings to yourself than to express them in a "negative" way. However, being ashamed of your tears is inappropriate, because showing emotions is natural. According to psychologist Antonio Rodellar, suppressing negative feelings can only exacerbate them and lead to mental stress.
- Adults can cry too: There is a stereotype that adults should remain reserved and emotionless. However, crying is a normal expression of emotion, even for adults. Expressing your feelings through tears can be good for your mental health, helping you avoid anxiety disorders and depression.
- Tears help relieve stress: Crying can reduce stress levels in the body, increasing our sense of well-being physiologically. It helps remove manganese, which helps in stressful situations. After crying, a clearer understanding of the situation and easier decision-making can appear.
- Tears are an expression of sincerity: Sincere feelings can lead to tears, whether of joy, sadness, or gratitude. Crying can serve as an indicator of honesty with oneself and others, reflecting true emotions.
- Emotionality is a character trait: Some people tend to cry often because of their emotionality and sentimentality. This is a character trait that you should not be ashamed of, as it can indicate a high level of empathy and deep feeling.
- Crying is not weakness: The idea that tears are a sign of weakness is wrong. Posters are an expression of inner feelings and an opportunity to overcome emotional difficulties. The ability to allow yourself to show weakness is an important part of a healthy mental state.
Therefore, you should not be ashamed to express your emotions through tears, as it is natural and beneficial for mental health.