The kidnapped ex-football player Marcelinho Carioca was found beaten: the details of the incident were revealed

Former Brazilian football player, 52-year-old Marcelinho Carioca, who was kidnapped, was found beaten a day later with traces of a beating on his face, Globo reports. The incident happened after a concert at which he performed.

The ex-footballer, who became a singer and leader of the evangelical group "Divine Inspiration" after his career ended, disappeared on December 17 after attending a music event. His car was found 25 km from the venue of the concert, and two suspects were next to the car.

The law enforcement officers also investigated and studied video surveillance recordings in the region. On Monday evening, Marcelinho Carioca was found beaten and with a bruise under his eye, he went to the police station to give evidence. According to information, he was not alone — he was accompanied by other persons.

The three-time champion of Brazil and the winner of the Club World Cup left the concert with his lover, Tais Moreira. It turned out that the woman is married and the mother of two children, and she shares photos with Carioca on Instagram. This information caused displeasure of the man, who, according to Carioca's lawyer, has connections with the ex-footballer's family, and demanded a ransom of 90,000 reais (about 18,000 dollars).

"I was with a woman who is married, then her husband caught me and kidnapped me," admitted Marcelinho Carioca.

It should be noted that during his career, Karioku played for several famous clubs, including "Liverpool" and "Valencia". His performances in the Brazilian national team and his achievements in football have added to his popularity. The incident of kidnapping and beating came as a big shock to the football world and fans of Marcelinho Carioca.