Morning missile attack: Tensions rise

On the morning of December 8, Russian forces launched a missile attack on Ukraine using Kh-101/555/55 cruise missiles launched from Tu-95 aircraft. This incident is marked as a serious escalation of aggression and a violation of the ceasefire that lasted for almost 80 days.

More than ten strategic missile-carrying bombers Tu-95 launched 19 cruise missiles of the X-101/555/55 type on the territory of Kyiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions. Enemy targets have reached these regions.

Ukraine's air defense systems worked at full capacity, shooting down most of the missiles on their way to the cities. According to information from the Ministry of Defense, the attack did not cause damage to the capital city of Kyiv.

As a result of the attack, one person was killed and four injured in the Pavlograd district of the Dnipropetrovsk region. People were taken to hospitals, where they are examined and operated on. There is damage to private houses and industrial facilities.

As a result of the missile attack in the Kyiv region, private houses in several communities were destroyed by fragments of downed missiles. Rescue services are working at the scene.

There was an air alert in Kyiv for almost two hours, but none of the missiles reached the city thanks to the action of air defense systems.

The event was internationally condemned, and numerous countries and international organizations expressed outrage at Russia's aggressive actions.

Emergency services are working to eliminate the consequences and provide assistance to people affected by the missile attack.