What are personal boundaries and why they can be dangerous

Learning to build personal borders is an important aspect of harmony in your own life. This is the topic of discussion from the psychologist Alexei Satanovsky.

Personal borders, according to the expert, are internal boundaries, which are determined by personal desires, opportunities, thoughts and feelings, separating our inner world from external influences. Understanding these borders allows you to focus on your own needs and desires, creating comfort for yourself.

However, the psychologist notes, rigid borders can lead to limitation of freedom and expression of feelings. People with such borders are difficult to adapt to social relations and are not always able to be flexible in interaction with others. For example, in a romantic relationship where you need to find compromises, they may be incapable of flexibility.

That is why the psychologist recommends making their borders flexible, keeping comfort, but ready to compromise in cases where it does not violate its own emotional boundaries. The flexibility of personal borders makes it possible to build a more harmonious relationship with the ascent to meet other people.

Therefore, keeping your personal borders in all conditions, it is important to avoid their rigidity, as it can make life more complicated and limited. The ability to reconcile their own borders with the needs of others can be an important element of successful relationships with society.