Lose weight before the New Year: 6 best ways to quickly get your figure in order

Excess weight always becomes a hot topic before the holidays. How can an individual approach to weight loss be effective? Oksana Moskalenko offers the six best ways to quickly get your figure in order, pointing out important aspects that will help you achieve the desired result.

  1. Cardio training: If your goal is to lose extra pounds, aerobic exercise is very effective. Studies confirm that regular cardio training increases the number of calories burned and improves metabolism.
  2. Strength training: Strength training using your own weight or training with dumbbells strengthens muscle mass and increases metabolism. This contributes to fat loss not only during training, but also after it.
  3. Hydration: Plenty of water is important for overall health and weight loss effectiveness. Increasing physical activity requires additional water consumption, so hydration is a key element of a successful process.
  4. Adherence to an anti-inflammatory diet: Oksana recommends contacting a family doctor or nutritionist and choosing an anti-inflammatory diet. This can improve the condition of the intestinal microbiota and prevent sharp spikes in blood glucose.
  5. Sleep and recovery: Muscle recovery and normal sleep are equally important stages in the weight loss process. Provide yourself with a stable sleep schedule and create comfortable conditions for rest.
  6. Consistency: All efforts must be systematic and consistent. Oksana advises to focus on long-term goals, regularly increasing progress, and choose those types of training that bring pleasure.

Short-term plans often lead to disappointment, while a systematic and conscious approach allows you to achieve the desired result. It is also important to consult with specialists to choose the optimal weight loss plan for a specific person.

Let these tips help those who want to look and feel their best before the holidays.