Scythian gold is returning to Ukraine: documentary confirmation of the restoration of cultural heritage

The International Cultural Research Project (ICRP) and the Archaeological Museum of the University of Amsterdam reached an agreement on the return of museum exhibits, which are part of the state part of the Museum Fund of Ukraine, from four Crimean museum institutions, known as "Scythian gold".

According to the notification of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, since 2014 the exhibits have been presented at the exhibition "Crimea - a golden island in the Black Sea" in the Netherlands.

The document on the return of Scythian gold was signed by acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Rostyslav Karandeev and Acting Director of the University Library of the University of Amsterdam Dr. Fred Virmen.

Museum objects include the collections of Crimean republican institutions, including the Tavrida Central Museum, the Kerch Historical and Cultural Reserve, the Bakhchisarai Historical and Cultural Reserve, and the Chersonesus Tavri National Reserve.

"The return of artifacts of special historical and cultural importance is a symbolic and multifaceted process that combines legal, museum, diplomatic and logistical aspects. We are looking forward to the return of the collections, among which the "Scythian gold" is defined, to our homeland in Ukraine," said Rostislav Karandeev.

He expressed gratitude to the Allard Pearson Museum for preserving the collections for 9 years, as well as for the decision of the Dutch side not to charge costs for the storage of museum exhibits.

From July 2013 to January 2014, the collection was exhibited in the Rhineland Museum in Bonn (Germany).

And in early February 2014, the exhibits were transported to the Allard Pearson Archaeological Museum in Amsterdam (Netherlands), where an exhibition called "Crimea - gold and secrets of the Black Sea" was organized.

During this period, the Revolution of Dignity took place in Ukraine, changes in power, and then the occupation of Crimea by Russia, which was not recognized by the world.