Union of the rich. What are the goals of the unification of India, Switzerland and Norway

Ukraine could learn from India the ability to conclude unions that are really beneficial for itself, writes economist Oleksiy Kush. He analyzes the deal that Delhi made with several countries in Europe - not the most powerful, but very rich.

A master class from India on how to open up your domestic market and sign agreements on free trade zones.

I recently wrote that India will become the largest and perhaps the last major development project of the West in the 21st century. That will significantly weaken the chances of other countries to attract Western investments.

The US and Britain are offering India investment in the "Spice Road" to create a global alternative to China's New Silk Road.

The EU offers India the creation of a Free Trade Area.

But India suddenly chooses Europe as a partner and does not choose the EU...

Stop, you say, what does he carry at all, how can this be?


European integration projects were launched : continental and British.

The British project quickly lost, and Britain became a participant in the continental model, from which it later withdrew.

And from the British project, a fragment remained in the form of the European Free Trade Association, which now includes only four countries: Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

All these countries have brains, and two of them also have big money.

For example, Norway's National Reserve Fund has more than a trillion dollars accumulated from oil and gas exports.

And Switzerland has a world reserve currency (Swiss franc) and a powerful banking system.

But these countries are preparing for a change in the world paradigm.

Norway - before the end of the oil era.

Switzerland - before the end of the era of classic, fiat banking and the emergence of the world of digital currencies, including crypto. Which will lead to the formation of a fundamentally new fintech.

Only in Ukraine do they think that grain age will continue forever. We are thereby repeating the mistake of the Commonwealth of Nations of the 17th and 18th centuries. As you can see, our grain is not so necessary in the world, given the development of technology.

But let's go back to India.

Bloomberg writes that: "India is close to concluding a unique trade agreement under which a small group of European states will invest up to $100 billion. for 15 years in exchange for easier trade access to the world's most populous country."

We are talking about concluding an agreement on a free trade area between India and the European Free Trade Association, that is, with four countries: Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

Now India plans to fix the legal obligations of the parties to invest.

"If the agreement is reached, it will be the first time such an investment commitment has been included in a free trade agreement with India."

This will create more than one million new jobs.

For Switzerland and Norway, this is an opportunity to gain access to a huge market and launch powerful industrial development projects adapted to the sixth technological order.

By the way, Switzerland already has a competitive industry. Now an industrial platform based on the latest technologies can be created in Norway.

The size of the population is not a problem here - let's think of Slovakia.

For Germany, this could be another blow to its global prospects.

Germany has already lost the Berlin-Moscow-Beijing axis. Now the unborn Berlin-Ankara-Delhi axis may also be lost.

And now the question:

  1. What amount of investment was included in the FTA agreement between Ukraine and the EU?
  2. What increase in jobs took place in Ukraine after the conclusion of the FTA agreement with the EU?

The answer to the first question: zero.

The answer to the second question: a negative value.

This does not mean that the FTA agreement should not be signed. But this means that when concluding such agreements, one must have brains and the ability to protect one's national interests.

And not to constantly bend to the changing, external world...