In France, they are calling to limit the amount of Internet available to people

Najat Vallo-Belkasem, the former Minister of Education of France, and now the director of various non-profit organizations, calls to limit the amount of Internet available to people.

In an interview with Le Figaro, she reflects on how the Internet has a detrimental effect on the psyche of people, causing addiction and intensifying other problems such as ecology, discrimination, inequality, oppression, fakes, education and culture.

"If we know we only have three gigabytes a week, we're probably not going to spend it posting hateful comments or creating fakes. It's surprising that no one has ever asked the right question: neither how to limit companies, nor how to regulate usage – we know very well that there is an addictive aspect to our relationship with screens. And this addiction can never be solved by the goodwill of those who support it or suffer from it. And simply: do we need so much Internet?" Vallo-Belkasem thinks.