Ukrainian refugees in Europe: between the choice of return and a new life abroad

Ukrainian refugees in Europe face a difficult choice between returning to their war-torn homeland and staying abroad.

Although there is a growing negative attitude towards immigrants in European countries, they welcome Ukrainians with open arms. For example, Germany expressed its intention to offer Ukrainian refugees long-term residence without being tied to the situation in Ukraine.

Many refugees are faced with an emotional conflict: the heart is inclined to return to the homeland, but the mind makes a choice in favor of the best future for the children and themselves. In particular, 37-year-old Iryna Khomych, who is in Germany with her daughter, shared that she wants to provide her daughter with a better future.

Refugees are gradually adapting to life abroad, learning languages ​​and looking for work. Local authorities consider the reception of Ukrainians successful, they help fill the labor shortage and become an asset for cities.

While remaining in Europe, refugees strive to build a new life, but many of them also do not lose hope of returning to a free and safe Ukraine after the end of the war.