Victoria Nuland: The USA will not sign a new "Yalta" with Russia and China

Former US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said that the United States of America will not under any circumstances sign a new "Yalta" - a treaty on a new world order - with Russia and China. Her comments became an important part of the discussion of the global geopolitical situation and the future of the international order.

"By all accounts, Yalta (agreement between the USSR, the USA and Britain in 1945 on the post-war structure of Europe - Ed.) was not a very good agreement for us, and we should not have concluded it. This led to 70 years of Cold War. Why would this even be considered a good deal? It created a bad, unstable world. Any such attempt by major powers to divide the world and tell small countries what they can and cannot do will lead to the same instability, particularly for Russia. So it won't work," she said.

Also, according to Nuland, there will be no such agreement with Russia, even if Trump wins the US elections. As an example, she cited the decision of congressmen from the Republican Party against Trump's wish to allocate military aid to Ukraine this spring.

"No matter what Trump wants to do, I don't think the American people will allow him to turn his back on Ukraine. I think you can see that in the $60 billion appropriations vote that finally happened in April. You know, Trump was against this decision and tried to intimidate Republicans in Congress. But they listened to the opinion of the American heart, which said that we do not want to live in a world where a big guy can eat a small country just because he wants to," said Nuland, who oversaw Ukraine in the State Department, in particular.