The European Union faces challenges that threaten its future. The fears of defeat of Ukraine, the actions of Russia, migrants, gas conflict and the possible return of Donald Trump to the post of US President are forcing the old world leaders to make decisions that can have far -reaching negative consequences. In their article for The Guardian, experts warn that reckless cowardice can cause EU death.
Fear largely explains the approach of Europe to Ukraine, North Africa and the Middle East. In the case of Ukraine, Europe is overly cautious and restrained, with respect to the countries of the South Mediterranean and Africa, it completely abandons foreign policy.
The aging of the population should lead to rational promotion of legal migration, but instead fear pushes the EU to pay money for promises to stop migration to Europe.
Fear is at the heart of differences in the war in the Gaza Sector. Europe does not respond to a humanitarian catastrophe. Also in the West are worried about Trump's return. Instead of preparing for him, Europe simply drives this opinion.
Macron has been open that the European Union is not eternal.