Large -scale special operation of law enforcement officers under the code name of Shield V, which covered 30 countries in Europe, has become an important step in combating the illegal circulation of counterfeit medicines. The surgery seized medicines totaling more than 11.1 million euros.
In the course of the special operation, 418 people were detained and 4 underground laboratories were eliminated where false medicines were made. The operation, which lasted from April to November 2024, covered the countries of the European Union, as well as cooperation with international bodies. The removal included more than 426 thousand packs of counterfeit medicines, 4111 kg of powder mixtures and raw materials, 108 liters of chemicals and 175 thousand bottles and ampoules. In addition, 4083 anti -doping checks were carried out.
The operations of the operation were carried out by law enforcement officers of France, Greece, Italy and Spain, with the support of European institutions, such as Olaf, Euipo, Frontex, WADA and national medical agencies. Joint efforts have allowed to stop the activities of numerous criminal groups and reduce the danger to the health of European citizens.