

Russian troops are advancing to Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region

The situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate, in particular in the Kharkiv region, where Russian troops are approaching the city of Vovchansk. According to the military public Deep State, Russian forces...

"Korean scenario": Ukraine and Russia may go to peace talks - The New York Times

An article in The New York Times sheds light on a possible scenario for resolving the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, which is compared to the situation that arose in...

The almost complete destruction of Vovchansk: a critical situation due to the actions of Russian troops

The city of Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region remains under constant shelling and airstrikes by Russian troops, which leads to the almost complete destruction of the settlement. The head of the city executive committee Tamaz Gambarashvili said...

Risks for Ukraine and NATO in the context of the idea of ​​a "truce" with Russia

The first Peace Summit will soon take place in Switzerland, where world leaders will gather to discuss the terms of ending the Russian war. Preparation for this event became a priority for...

The longest-range Ukrainian drone for strikes at a distance of 1,500 kilometers

The Ukrainian military is using a long-range kamikaze drone called "Lyuty" to strike oil refineries in Russia. Recently, this drone attacked the oil refinery "Gazprom Naftokhim Salavat"...

The Ukrainian military shot down a Russian Ka-52 "Alligator" helicopter

The Ukrainian military again shocked the Russian army by shooting down a Ka-52 helicopter, known as "Alligator". This news is reported by the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade. "Great news! Our soldiers from the 47th...

Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region: a new challenge for Ukraine

Russian troops, expanding their offensive in the Kharkiv region, choose the most unfavorable moment for Kyiv, Sky News notes. This new front puts additional pressure on...

The delay in American aid contributed to the advance of Russian troops towards Kharkiv

According to CNN, Russian troops made a breakthrough towards Kharkiv, which became "one of the largest offensives" in the conflict. It is noted that the delay in American aid and...

Russian electronic warfare systems complicate the use of high-precision US weapons in Ukraine

According to Business Insider, Russian electronic warfare (EW) equipment creates serious problems for the use of high-precision US weapons in combat operations on the territory of Ukraine. This...

Russian troops achieved "tactically significant successes" in the north of the Kharkiv region

According to the report of the American "Institute for the Study of War", Russian troops achieved "tactically significant successes" in the Kharkiv region yesterday. This operation, according to analysts, has limited...

The Ministry of Defense confirmed the attempt of the Russians to break through the defense of the Armed Forces in the Kharkiv region

This morning, the Russian military launched an attempt to break through the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the north of the Kharkiv region. Despite the attack, the Ukrainian military successfully repelled the enemy's attack,...

The new strategy of the Russian army: contactless war

According to Valery Romanenko, missile strikes on the Stryi indicate the enemy's efforts to destroy the gas transportation system of Ukraine and Ukrainian gas reserves. Russian occupation troops moved to...

Russian reconnaissance drones penetrate Ukrainian defenses

"Radio Liberty" reports that Russian reconnaissance drones proved capable of overcoming the Ukrainian electronic warfare (EW) system and massively penetrating the rear of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU)...

Russia will consider any F-16s in Ukraine as carriers of nuclear weapons

According to the report of the Russian diplomatic service, the help that Kyiv receives from the West is characterized as a provocation. Moscow cannot ignore this situation because it poses a threat...

Syrskyi: the main strike of Russian troops in eastern Ukraine is aimed at Pokrovskyi and Kurakhivskyi

The main strike of the Russian troops in the east of Ukraine is aimed at Pokrovsky and Kurakhivskyi, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Oleksandr Syrskyi said. Syrskyi noted that for two days he...