Estonia has officially given permission to withdraw frozen Russian assets and use them to help Ukraine. President Alar Karis signed the relevant bill, announcing it on May 30 on his Facebook page. He called this method of compensation "innovative" and expressed confidence that it would strengthen the prohibition of aggression as a basic norm of international law.
Karis explained that property can be used for damages only if the involvement of a natural or legal person in illegal actions is established and sufficiently proven. The mere fact that assets are frozen due to international sanctions will not be sufficient to transfer ownership.
According to him, the law will affect only active participants in military aggression or violators of the rules of warfare. If "unresolved legal issues" arise, the final decision will rest with the Estonian Parliament.
"Regardless of the opinions about Estonia's decision, we must undoubtedly find effective ways to ensure the right of the victims of aggression to receive compensation for the damage caused," the president summed up.
The bill "On Amendments to the Law on International Sanctions and Amendments to Other Related Laws" was adopted by the Estonian Riigikogu on May 15 by 65 votes to three. Some local lawyers suggested that the president could reject it and the justice minister could challenge it.