Hubertus Heil opens up new opportunities for Ukrainian refugees in Germany

Germany's Minister of Labor, Hubertus Heil, introduced important changes for Ukrainian refugees living in the country, saying that it will now be much easier for them to find work. Addressing the employers, he urged to hire those Ukrainians who do not yet speak German at a sufficient level.

The minister believes that this innovation will allow refugees not only to get a job, but also to improve their language skills in practice, interacting with native speakers outside the classroom. It was also noted that this would open employment opportunities for more people.

"Employers were ready to hire these people, even if they only have basic knowledge of the German language," Hubertus Heil emphasized. Noting that 100,000 Ukrainian refugees have already successfully completed integration courses in the German language, the minister expressed confidence that such opportunities will become available to even more people.

In addition, Hubertus Heil said that the employment centers plan to hold meetings with speed and regularity in order to promote the active employment of Ukrainian refugees.