If you notice these signs, call an ambulance!

Myocardial infarction, or heart attack, is a serious and dangerous disease that occurs when, for any reason, blood flow to the heart is disrupted. This causes a lack of oxygen, which leads to damage to the heart muscle. Symptoms of a heart attack can manifest in a variety of ways and can be similar to symptoms of other diseases. Therefore, it is important to know these signs in order to get timely help.

The main signs of a heart attack:

  1. Chest pain: This is the most well-known and characteristic symptom of a heart attack. The pain is most often described as intense pressure, squeezing, burning pain, or discomfort in the center of the chest. This pain may last more than a few minutes and does not improve with rest.
  2. Pain radiating to the left shoulder, neck, and arm: Chest pain may radiate to the left arm, neck, jaw, and back. This symptom is called "giving back" pain.
  3. Shortness of breath: Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing can accompany a heart attack. This happens due to lack of oxygen in the body.
  4. Stomach pain and nausea: Patients may experience stomach pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  5. Dizziness and fainting: A heart attack can cause dizziness, weakness, and even loss of consciousness.
  6. Cold sweat and sore throat: Patients may experience cold sweat, as well as feelings of fear or anxiety.

If you or someone around you has symptoms indicating a heart attack, you should take the following steps immediately:

  1. Call an ambulance: Do not delay calling an ambulance. The sooner medical assistance is provided, the greater the chances of survival.
  2. Calm: Try to keep the patient calm. Help him sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  3. Chewing aspirin: If the patient is not allergic to aspirin, have him chew one aspirin tablet. Aspirin helps to thin the blood and can reduce the size of the thrombus, which has a positive effect on the condition of a heart attack.
  4. Monitor breathing and pulse: If the patient becomes unconscious and stops breathing, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Avoid trying to self-medicate, as doing the wrong thing can make the situation worse. Keep in mind that the symptoms of a heart attack can vary from case to case. That's why it's important to listen to your body and respond to any unusual chest sensations, especially if you have risk factors for heart disease like smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, and others. It is always better to be vigilant and consult a doctor when in doubt. A timely request for medical help can save a life.