Buckwheat has long been called "Queen Group", and it is really one of the most useful products. But did you know that there is porridge that exceeds it by the content of vitamins and minerals several times?
It is a movie - Superfood, which is originally from South America, but has already conquered the whole world with its unique benefit. Cinema contains all 9 essential amino acids that are needed for the body. Buckwheat is also rich in amino acids, but not in full. Kinoaa is a real super product for vegetarians and athletes. It contains 16 g of protein per 100 g, while in the buckwheat this figure is 13 g. Due to its high content of fiber, Kinoa helps to improve digestion, regulate blood sugar and reduce cholesterol. Cinema contains magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium and other minerals needed for the health of the bones, muscles and nervous system. Kinoa is rich in antioxidants who protect the body from aging and help prevent the development of chronic diseases.
Both cereals - both kino and buckwheat - are useful and can be part of healthy eating. But if you want a maximum of nutrients, more protein and amino acids, you should pay attention to Kinoa.