The United States plans to manufacture weapons for Ukraine in allied countries, including HIMARS missiles in Australia

The United States plans to manufacture weapons for Ukraine in other countries, including the intention to open the first overseas plant for the production of GMLRS long-range guided missiles in Australia for the HIMARS multiple-launch rocket systems.

It is noted that the American company Lockheed plans to hire six Australian engineers to prepare and start production. This decision was made due to the fact that the US defense industry cannot meet the demand and quickly replenish the stocks of missiles.

“The rapid deployment of munitions in Ukraine and the Middle East, from missiles to artillery shells, has complicated the ability of the US industrial base to meet demand and replenish depleted stocks. The Biden administration is committed to developing several production lines in allied countries for critical weapons, although this is not easy," the report said.

At the same time, Australian officials believe that the first batch of 12 GMLRS missiles will be tested at the end of 2025, and by 2030 the country will produce thousands of munitions annually.

GMLRS missiles are manufactured by the American company Lockheed Martin and are equipped with a satellite guidance system capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 80 km.