# mobilization in Ukraine

Who in Ukraine can mobilize from 18 years

In the context of martial law and mobilization in Ukraine, the rule is that men under 25 years of age are not subject to conscription. IN...

Checking military documents in Odessa region ended with scandal

In Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, in the Odessa region, employees of the territorial centennial center (TCC), together with the National Police, detained a man during the inspection of military accounting documents. Video incident quickly ...

As digitization will help fight corruption in military commissions

Until November 2025, Ukraine plans to introduce anonymous consideration of cases by military medical commissions (VLK). This will be the third stage of digitalization, which should reduce corruption risks ....

In Kremenchug after passing the VLK, a man died

In Kremenchug in Poltava region there was a tragic event yesterday-after passing the Military Medical Commission (VLK) a 47-year-old man died. According to preliminary information, the cause of death was acute heart ...

How to save the army after the war is over?

After the end of the war, Ukraine should maintain a strong army of at least 800 thousand people. This is a prerequisite for guaranteeing national security, given the constant ...

What are the reasons for withdrawal from military registration during mobilization and martial law?

During martial law and mobilization in Ukraine, conscripts may face the issue of withdrawal from military accounting. However, this concept is temporary, and even ...

How to pass a medical commission without queues with the help of "Reserve+" application

Thanks to the new application "Reserve+", the military in Ukraine can pass the Military Medical Commission (VLK) without the need to stand in line at the territorial centers of acquisition (TCC). Now for ...

The man escaped from the police and got under the wheels of the car in Lviv: the incident with military accounting

There was an unpleasant incident in Lviv when police stopped a man to check his military accounting data. Finding that he is a conscript, law enforcement officers tried to check his documents, ...

The search algorithm for military personnel in Ukraine

In the context of martial law and mobilization in Ukraine, it is important to make sure that the conscript person does not find the search due to violation of military accounting rules. Announcement in ...

Teacher from Lviv University in critical condition after the CCC is detention

In the Kiev region, a senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Nuclear Physics, Ivan Franko University of Lviv, was found. The man was abducted by the employees of the territorial centers of staffing and ...

What you need to know about penalties for violations of military accounting in Ukraine

In Ukraine, during martial law and mobilization, it is important to comply with military accounting rules. For violation of these standards, citizens can receive fines. In February 2025 ...

Mobilization or deduction: what is waiting for students who will give up BZVP?

Since September 2025, a new law has come into force in Ukraine, according to which students will have to undergo basic general military training (BZVP). She will become ...