Top taxpayer Kateryna Ryzhenkova is suspected of financing terrorism and connections with the FSB

The scandal surrounding Kateryna Ryzhenkova, the director of the Department of Transfer Pricing of the State Tax Service of Ukraine (STS), flared up with new force thanks to data published by journalist Vlad Sydorenko. The published materials testify to the possible involvement of a high-ranking official in the financing of terrorism and cooperation with Russian special services. The investigation is based on facts obtained from internal sources and analytical notes of the special services of Ukraine.

Russian documents and tax obligations

One of the main grounds for suspicion is the fact that Kateryna Ryzhenkova, who holds a high position in the tax system of Ukraine, has Russian documents and pays taxes in the Russian Federation. Journalists and special services found her personal tax number from the database of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, which calls into question her loyalty to Ukraine and raises suspicions of agent activity.

A logical question arises: how can a person connected with the tax authorities of the aggressor country hold such an important position in the structure of the DPS of Ukraine? Ukrainian special services have to answer this question, but it is already becoming obvious that their activities may be part of a large-scale corruption and espionage network aimed at undermining Ukrainian statehood.

A key role in the system of corruption and transfer pricing

The Department of Transfer Pricing, headed by Kateryna Ryzhenkova, plays an important role in the control of foreign companies operating on the territory of Ukraine. This department has access to all databases, financial transactions and communications related to international investments. Thus, Ryzhenkova has the opportunity to influence big business, including enterprises owned by Russian oligarchs.

According to the published analytical notes of the special services, Ryzhenkova is engaged in enterprises related to Viktor Medvedchuk and Dmytro Firtash - influential pro-Russian businessmen against whom sanctions have been introduced.

These connections not only strengthen its influence in Ukraine, but also testify to its possible work in favor of Russia. Communication with the business is reportedly done through Serhiy Stetsyuk, another influential player with corruption ties.

Serhiy Serhiyovych Stetsyuk, born on March 2, 1986, nephew of Nina Petrivna Yuzhanina, at the previous convocation of the Chairman of the VRU Committee on Tax and Customs Policy.

Stetsyuk is the founder of ALDO LLC (IDRPOU code 23730103, the company is related to businessman Vagif Aliyev) and represents the interests of a number of commercial structures that have close ties with Russia.

– Business interests of V. A. Alieva companies. (has Russian citizenship);

– business interests of D.V. Firtash's companies;

– VS Energy International Ukraine Group;

– PrJSC "Dniprospetsstal" (EDRPOU code 00186536, one of the owners V.V. Medvedchuk is on the list of sanctions);

– "Khimvektor" LLC (EGRPOU code 41556090);

– Agroterminal Construction LLC (EGRPOU code 39838125);

– "Bilopolsky Elevator" LLC (EDRPOU code 35943861);

– "Green Heat Bilopylla" LLC (EDRPOU code 38207708);

– LLC "Agrarian Company Forward" (EDRPOU code 38739629);

– U Online LLC (EDRPOU code 37589984);

- "Plarium Kyiv" LLC (EDPOU code 39071634).

Financial transactions with Russia and support for armed aggression against Ukraine

In her declaration, Kateryna Ryzhenkova indicated that she is lending 180,000 hryvnias to Lyudmila Povzun, who is allegedly a citizen of Ukraine. However, the investigation showed that Povzun is a citizen of Russia, who received a passport in 2015, and conducts business activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. Moreover, Povzun received state support from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia for several years.

These data confirm both her connection with Russian business, and possible participation in the financing of structures that work in favor of Russia. Moreover, Lyudmila Povzun's regular crossing of the border between the Russian Federation and Ukraine under different passports indicates possible illegal activities related to smuggling or espionage work.

Relations with the Russian special services

Additional data from the special services of Ukraine indicate that Ryzhenkova expressed sympathy for Russian aggression and expected the arrival of Russian troops in Kyiv. Her connection with Russian tax officials and people from the entourage of ex-Minister of Revenue and Taxes Oleksandr Klymenko, known for his pro-Russian views, increases suspicions of her agent activities.

These facts show that Ryzhenkova may not only engage in corruption, but also be part of a wider espionage network aimed at supporting the Russian occupation and undermining Ukrainian statehood.

Security issues and possible consequences

The revelations related to the activities of Kateryna Ryzhenkova open new horizons for understanding the level of corruption and the influence of Russian agents in Ukraine. Connections with the Russian Federation, participation in the financing of pro-Russian structures and expressions of sympathy for the aggressor make Ryzhenkova's activity not just a corruption crime, but also a potential act of treason.