Three Ukrainian talents received the Children's Peace Prize for creating applications to help refugees

In London, the International Children's Peace Prize was awarded to three talented Ukrainian teenagers who won recognition for their work in the development of applications aimed at helping refugees. The prize winners were 18-year-old Sofia Tereshchenko, 17-year-old Anastasia Feskova and 17-year-old Anastasia Demchenko.

The girls said that their initiative arose after watching a report about a lonely child crossing the Ukrainian-Polish border and crying. They have developed apps for different age groups: one aimed at helping young children to navigate their new environment, and another for older people to facilitate their integration in a new country.

Sofiya Tereshchenko shared her personal story, talking about leaving Ukraine with her mother and later moving to Cambridgeshire. Her father and brother remain in Ukraine, and she emphasized that this separation was "heartbreaking" for their family.

During the award ceremony, Anastasia Feskova expressed her desire for "all children to have a safe and calm childhood." She called on everyone to support their initiative and help create a better future for all children, regardless of their background.

The laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2023 was the Iranian human rights activist Nargiz Mohammadi, who fights for women's rights and opposes the death penalty in Iran. She is currently behind bars in her home country for her courageous human rights activism.