Ukraine is preparing new long-range weapons to solve complex tasks, Bratchuk said

Ukraine is preparing to receive new long-range weapons that will expand its capabilities in performing more complex tasks. This was stated by the spokesman of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army South, Serhiy Bratchuk, during a speech on the air of "We-Ukraine".

He emphasized that due to the fact that Russian targets in the depth of Russian territory are a potential threat to Ukraine and the genocide of the Ukrainian people, the country has the right to appropriate protection. Bratchuk also pointed out that the world community, in particular Great Britain, expressed support for Ukraine's initiative to obtain appropriate weapons.

This may indicate an increase in the level of military support from foreign partners, in particular from the United States, and confirmation of the continuous support of Ukraine from Western countries. The use of long-range ATACMS missiles by the Ukrainian military against enemy targets demonstrates the significant level of support and protection provided to Ukraine.

These actions may also cause concern among Russian invaders, as they will now have to count on possible losses from long-range missile attacks by the US Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS). These facts were officially confirmed in the White House.