The Georgian dream: President Zurabishvili is no longer president?

Georgia's ruling party, known as Georgian Dream, has decided to stop using the title of "president" for Salome Zurabishvili. The executive secretary of the Georgian Dream, Mamuka Mdinaradze, noted that Zurabishvili lacks legitimacy from the deputies and the majority that elected her.

"Therefore, we will not call her the president, but simply Salome Zurabishvili... an opposition politician," he said.

The reason for this decision is that Zurabishvili, according to representatives of the Georgian Dream, did not receive legitimacy from the people's elected deputies and the majority. This decision may reflect strained relations between the president and the ruling party.

Zurabishvili noted the response to the question of the French TV channel LCI about the possible prosecution of the leaders of Russia and China for war crimes and human rights violations. According to her, the historical moment could decide the fate of Putin and Xi, however, she admitted that this is not realistic.

Government officials from the Georgian Dream reacted to her statements, noting that they mean nothing. Prime Minister Iraklii Garibashvili even stated that he who expresses certain views cannot change anything.

Recently, the Georgian parliament rejected an attempt to impeach Zurabishvili in connection with her foreign tour to grant Georgia the status of a candidate for joining the European Union. According to the constitutional court, Zurabishvili violated the constitution by not receiving government permission for this trip.